Develop a periodized plan around the pre-season that will develop all physical qualities of the team: Applied Strength and Conditioning Assignment, ATU, Ireland

Introduction to the science of Rugby League. Develop a periodized plan around the pre-season that will develop all physical qualities of the team. This is ahead of the performance plan and not specific to a player. How will you balance recovery and workload for the whole squad, what monitoring systems will you use to guide this intervention, and what recovery systems? From a resistance and pitch•based perspective, how will you test and retest your athlete to show progress?

How will you balance the training week from an attack/defense perspective and marry in resistance training and physical quality development? Develop a resistance training program for the squad that will marry resistance training with a focus on pitch-based improvements. Adhere to the 5 processes of resistance planning.

What will the athletes, pillar prep, movement prep, the plyometric plan looks like, etc? Use research to support your interventions with regard to your needs analysis of the game, nutritional demands of the game, and training demands of the game. Consider progressions within the gym and pitch-based progressions throughout the 4-week period.

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