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descriptive essay

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For this assignment, you will write a descriptive essay about a monster of your own creation. Your first step will be to generate a list of ten characteristics common to monsters. Then, you will plan and write a descriptive essay including the following: what the monster looks like, what the monster eats, where the monster lives, and what the monster’s personality is like. In your essay, you need to use sensory descriptions and imagery to describe your monster. See the following rubric:

Indicator/Point Value


Instructor Comments

Indicator: Essay includes 10 characteristics common to monsters


Point Value: 10

●      Ten item list appears at the top of the assignment submission

●       Ten item list uses descriptive language (See the DescriptiveLanguage website for more information about descriptive language).


Indicator: Essay is a cohesive five paragraph essay addressing all necessary components.


Point Value: 60

●      Essay contains a clear introductory paragraph.

●      Three supporting paragraphs answer questions about what the monster looks like, what the monster eats, where the monster lives, and what the monster’s personality is like.

●      Essay contains strong sensory descriptions and vivid imagery.

●      Essay contains a clear concluding paragraph.


Indicator: Essay maintains correct formatting.


Point Value: 15

●      12-point Arial or Times New Roman font

●      Double spaced

●      One inch margins

●      Any text cited appropriately



Indicator: Essay demonstrates correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Point Value: 15

●      Essay is free of spelling or word use errors.

●      Essay contains a mixture of simple, complex, and compound/complex sentence structure.

●      Essay is free of run-on sentences or sentence fragments.

●      All punctuation is used appropriately.

●      All proper nouns and the beginnings of sentences are capitalized appropriately.

●      All other standard English grammar, punctuation, and spelling are followed.

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