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Home » COM355e: Write a 300-word online news story for The Straits Times about leading a less stressful life in Singapore: Multimedia Public Affairs Reporting Assignment, SUSS

COM355e: Write a 300-word online news story for The Straits Times about leading a less stressful life in Singapore: Multimedia Public Affairs Reporting Assignment, SUSS

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Part A

Write a 300-word online news story for The Straits Times about leading a less stressful life in Singapore. Please include an attention-grabbing headline for this story.

Ensure that you have a focused story angle (based on your research and what you perceive to be newsworthy) and do include relevant information, interviewee quotes and statistics in your news story.

The story should feature at least ONE interviewee. He/she should be quoted in the story. Do also include an image of the signed consent form from your interviewee within the assignment document you submit.

Part B

Create a photo essay using 8 – 10 photographs to accompany your online news report. The interviewee you have featured in Part A should be featured in this photo essay. The photo essay complements the 300-word online news story and should not be too repetitive of it. Do also take note that:

• All the images should be original and taken by you.

• Each image should be captioned and each caption should be around 30 words. The images and captions should collectively, as much as possible, address the 5Ws and 1H (who, what, when, where and how) of the photo essay.

• Give your photo essay an attention-grabbing headline as well. It should be different from the headline of your online news story.

• Plan the arrangement and composition of your images to tell an engaging visual story

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