COM259E: The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing confidential emotional support to individuals facing a crisis: Creative Advertising and Copywriting Assignment, SUSS

Question 1

The Samaritans of Singapore (SOS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing confidential emotional support to individuals facing a crisis, thinking about, or being affected by suicide. In light of the spike in suicides in Singapore due to the isolation and psychological distress brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the SOS feels there should be more public awareness of the services they offer.

As a start, evaluate the current state of suicide in Singapore. You are expected to conduct secondary research on this issue. Your evaluation should include:

A description of public attitudes towards suicide and which service(s) offered by SOS you want to highlight.
An understanding of the challenges that SOS faces in getting more Singaporeans to be more open about seeking help should one get suicidal tendencies or know of loved ones with suicidal tendencies.
An examination of a suitable target audience (in terms of demographics and
psychographics) that your advertising campaign will focus on.

Question 2

Based on your evaluation from Question 1, develop a creative brief for your proposed advertising campaign. Your brief should address these questions:

What would you like your target audience to feel about the issue of suicide prevention and the Samaritans of Singapore?
What do you think should be the single most important key advertising message for this campaign?
What is your creative strategy in communicating this proposed key advertising message?
Why do you think this is an effective strategy?

Question 3

Create advertising copy for ONE print advertisement and ONE radio advertisement on suicide prevention. Do take note that the two advertisements should be aligned in terms of the messaging but should not replicate each other. The advertiser would be the Samaritans of Singapore.

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