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Home » Choose an English Language Arts (ELA) lesson from these instructional videos. LINK: Then, write a brief  typed, narrative reflection based on your observations. Your reflection should include these four sections.  reference the course text throughout these sections. Section

Choose an English Language Arts (ELA) lesson from these instructional videos. LINK: Then, write a brief  typed, narrative reflection based on your observations. Your reflection should include these four sections.  reference the course text throughout these sections. Section

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Choose an English Language Arts (ELA) lesson from these instructional videos.


Then, write a brief  typed, narrative reflection based on your observations. Your reflection should include these four sections.  reference the course text throughout these sections.

Section 1: What instructional decisions is the teacher making? How is the teacher using instructional time? How is the teacher assessing what students know?
Section 2: Who are the students? What are they doing? How are they responding to the activities? What do they struggle with? How does the teacher respond?
Section 3: Learning Environment. How does the physical classroom arrangement support or hinder instruction?
Section 4: Future Classroom: What does this video make you consider for your future classroom?

Use the rubric below to guide your work.

My reflection thoughtfully analyzes the teacher’s instructional/assessment choices.
1 pts
0 pts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Students
My reflection thoughtfully analyzes the students’ responses to instruction.
1 pts
0 pts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Learning Environment
My reflection thoughtfully analyzes the learning environment and its impact on instruction.
1 pts
0 pts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Future Classroom
My reflection thoughtfully analyzes how this video impacts my ideas for my future classroom.
1 pts
0 pts
1 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Course Connections
Throughout my reflection, I connect what I observed in the video to what we have read/discussed in class.

I’ve sent papers to give CONTEXT on what has read or discussed in class.

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