Care of an Elderly person & skills demonstration Assignment, OC, Ireland Brief evaluation of your performance during the skill – how did you do & what did you learn?

Advance preparation

Preparation of area, what equipment is needed
Health and safety precautions taken?

·         Identifying the needs of the client

What are the specific needs of the client?
What information do you need and where do you look for that information?
How do you prepare the client for the specific task – consent, explanation of task etc.?

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Implementation: –

How did you assist the client while completing this skill – step by step of what you
How did you promote independence and dignity while carrying out the skill?
How did you show effective communication with the client and other members of the team?
Discuss the importance of being observant to changes in the clients condition during the procedure

Evaluation & Conclusion –

Describe how you would ensure that correct report writing measures were followed
How did you promote positive attitudes in relation to care of the older person in the home or in a residential facility?
Brief evaluation of your performance during the skill – how did you do & what did you learn?

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