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Analyze Personnel Needs to Support Globalization Efforts

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Due to the globalization of business operations, management teams have become very serious in retaining and promoting the right person for overseas positions. You have just been told to hire a new manager for your company’s Scandinavian division. Describe in detail the most important skills and qualifications considered essential for overseas assignments, particularly in these countries. 

Also explain in detail some of the challenging issues and prospects of doing business abroad. Hypothesize the most important information you would be sure to communicate to HR managers as well as the senior leadership team. Provide specific examples where possible to detail your plan for this initial hiring for the Scandinavian division. 

Support your paper with a minimum of five (7) resources, which may include your required text. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 11-13 pages not including title and reference pages

 Scholarly writing and current APA 6 ed standards MUST be used.

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