After reading what Strawson had to say about inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning, in my opinion and what I think about it is that in the life we live I say we justify inducti


After reading what Strawson had to say about inductive reasoning and deductive reasoning, in my opinion and what I think about it is that in the life we live I say we justify inductive reasoning way more. The reason why I say this because we all use our own personal experiences that we have to understand a little bit more about how the world works. I can say that a few generations back people would justify deductive reasoning but now in the generation we live in at the moment I wouldn’t agree with that. Our everyday life we justify inductive reasoning and that is because we all analyze and pay more attention to our surroundings and not only our actions but other people’s actions as well. We use what we live through to have a better understanding about why certain things happen. For example, when I had a berry smoothie I would have an allergic reaction. I had this smoothie three times and every time I would get the same reaction and I checked the ingredients and all the berries that were in the smoothie I have eaten them separately before the only berry I hadn’t ate before was blueberries. So of course because I kept getting a reaction at the place I knew it was the smoothie so this with that being said this is why I stand by justifying inductive reasoning. Strawson also explained both inductive and deductive reasoning and the way he described it we justify inductive reasoning because it is logically thinking as always.

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