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Students will present in class on Saturday October 15, 2022 and then MUST submit

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Students will present in class on Saturday October 15, 2022 and then MUST submit on Blackboard by Sunday October 16, 2022.
Midterm Power Point Assignment
Take one contemporary issue of historical importance from the list below and compare it with a similar issue/event in the past during the period of your study–US History From 1865.
Gun Rights
Abortion Rights
Economic issues
Comparisons could include, however, are not limited to, responding to the below questions/points:
1) Is there any similarity in the issue now and before and what is it?
2) Are there any differences in the issue now and before and what are those?
3) What is/was the response of people towards the issue now and then?
4) What have humans learned from history in relation to that particular issue?
REMEMBER to provide links to websites on the given slide if images or quotations are included (These account for in text citations)
REMEMBER to have a slide at the end for sources
REMEMBER to have a slide in the beginning with your name/course name/professor name
No more than ten slides in total.

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