5N2770: Mary Jones is a 75-year-old female, currently residing in Lakeview Nursing Home. Mary was admitted to the nursing home four years ago: Care Skills Assignment, OC, Ireland


Mary Jones is a 75-year-old female, currently residing in Lakeview Nursing Home. Mary was admitted to the nursing home four years ago, following a left-sided Cerebral Vascular Accident. Mary has a supportive family, two daughters, and a number of grandchildren, who frequently visit her on a weekly basis. Mary requires assistance with her activities of daily living, mainly personal hygiene, dressing, maintaining a safe environment, mobility, and elimination needs. The Barthel index shows Mary is of medium dependency.


Michael Byrne is a 72-year-old male, with Parkinson’s disease, who has reduced mobility, type 2 diabetes, and a history of falls. Michael is currently being cared for in his own home, with the support of community health care assistants. Michael lives with his wife (Mary) and receives 3 calls a day under the homecare package. Michael uses a wheelchair, and a downstairs room has been modified into a bedroom. Michael requires assistance with personal care and is occasionally incontinent of urine and requires incontinent wear. Michael also requires hip protectors due to his history of falls.


Joe Clarke is an 80-year-old male who has Alzheimer’s, diagnosed four years ago, he is currently in the moderate stage of the disease and was admitted to Lakeview Nursing Home 6 months ago, as his family was unable to cope. Joe requires full assistance and supervision with daily activities of living and is unaware of the ability to maintain a safe environment for himself. He tends to wander and needs to be re-orientated to his surroundings frequently. Joe’s cognitive ability is declining, and he does not recognize his family when they visit.

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